Lets Go to the Writing Land Chapter 6.

Lets go the the focus room
You have everything.  Everything everyone wants.  A husband, two beautiful children and a Big house.  One girl and one boy, said the voice.  I do not have me.  I do not have myself, I don't know who I am. I am able to write, Yes I am able to dance, Yes I write in the spur on the moment, I dance in the spur of the moment, But I don't know my purpose, My goal.  I don't have my happiness. Your job is to take care of the children, You don't have your focus.  They are doing things that are upsetting and disturbing.  The other day they walked out of the house.  They locked the door from inside.  They don't wear their seat belt.  One day he was not on his chair in the car.  I have learned its not easy.  It seems like everyday has become fearful. I ten to go into my dancing deeply and don't have time for the writing.  I am usually driving or cooking.  I love my children, but I want more rest for me.  More writing for me.  I watched an interview with a famous actress who won all the awards and is so famous.  Still she had an interview where she fell into depression.  I realized maybe fame wont keep me happy.  The classes I have to teach these two days.  I haven't been able to work on it much.  I fell I don't have the kind of dress I want to where. Maybe it's true.  I should just take care of the children.  I am just not focused cause I am bored. You can get your focus.  Have discipline.  Have a schedule.  You have to do a list with you on your phone on you schedule.  Do one thing and stay with it.


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