Sancee -The Dreamer and the Fairy

      Sancee woke up one morning. “She spoke to her Fairy”. She asked the Fairy, “Fairy Gemini Fairy Gemini” “Do you believe having powers,” I mean telepathy in your dreams?”  Off-course I do said, Fairy Gemini.  I see so vividly said, Sancee to her fairy.  “I’ll tell you my dream said Sancee,  “I was waiting for someone, but they didn’t show up.”  Later I saw the dream turn different. I saw the guy an acquaintance I had met in real life.  I saw that I was sitting near him, he was talking to me and we were close, chatting for a while,   “Then I saw the moon.”  Then I heard the Indian song, using the moon.  Then I was dancing.
Fairy Gemini, I had a dream of a house. Did you know I saw a house in my dream said, Sancee to the fairy. I saw it so clearly. It was a big alley walkway.  Then I walked into a huge living room. As I walked in I saw a room, like a dining room, there was a brick like wall and an area to sit on made of bricks.   A painting was on top. A room colored brown. It was beautiful.
The next dream was I was away somewhere, I saw jewelry. In the dream I saw a thin earring with a small pearl peace. The dream continued and in the dream I saw a piece with a pearl necklace in it.
What do you think Fairy Gemini, What do all those Dreams mean.  To dream is beautiful Sancee. Your dreams are vivid. Do you feel I have powers asked Sancee.  I feel you have powers said, Fairy Gemini. Your powers are not clear because you are not focused in reality. You do not get enough rest.  You need to meditate. That will calm you down and relax you. You must close your eyes and relax.  When you have meditated for days then come to me. You should tell me I had no dreams. You see everything is an illusion. This world the dream. What you dream is just what you want. You want a house with paintings. You want to sing and dance with someone. That is your dream,  It is also the reasons it is coming to you. It could be past life repression.  Thank you Fairy Gemini said, Sancee.

                                                                        June 9, 2016 Copyright@Vinita Singh


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