Lets Go to The Writing Land Chapter 5

There was Anamalia and she noticed, The woodpecker pecked, There was an animal and she saw it froma far suddenly The Pecker pecked at the door window of the car. The amimal was crabbed the coat. There were big marks on the window. There Amamalia dreampt deep blow and it was dark. She was holding on to thick wires on a flat bar which was taking her up. She was holding on tight.  She could see herself on the edge.  Finally she climbed up holding the hard wired bar as if it went up up up.  She got on top of the group.  She walked passed the dark hallways, and  there she saw a arrow, it said, Enter The Pritam Room As Anamalia entered a little four year old boy and a nine year old girl were arguing resting on the bed.  She then saw in the room A wicked lady.  The wicked lady separated the children. She was actually restless and tired of the same chores and bored.  When Anamalia went in the room outside the window she saw snow all over.  So much snow that they couldn't go out.  Their van was stuck in the garage.  She then saw the restless lady talking on the phone.  She heard her say My blood pressure I checked it.  It was so high.  I was screaming, I was tired and mad. I kept saying to the young girl, You are making my life hell, I will make your life a living hell.  Anamalia heard her saying, I've been cursed in the Pritam room.  Amamalia went and touched the restless lady and felt her negative energy.  The lady told Anamalia come on in. I will show you something.  The children don't listen to me.  They start chattering and I separated them.  She turned the light on.  There on the ray Anamalia saw the cutest of boys but as soon as the restless lady touched the boy and separated him from his sister he started crying.  She tried to hold him. He screamed more and more.  He came in the Pritam room and took all the close and threw it on the floor.  He threw the Iron bored down also.The restless lady said to the daughter, I want to take all your old close and get rid of them. You have not folded it.  You must be angry at me. You must listen to me. The little boy as he was screaming she told the girl to go in the bathroom, he still dept crying. She put the boy on the bed and told the girl to get in the corner but there she lost herself in anger.  She screamed several times.  I will make your life a living hell.  Then she felt like all her energy  was gone.She took her blood pressure and it was hight.  After that she had the biggest guild.  Then she read the egoccentric meaning of saptashati. The deamons you must rise against it. All negative sour sweet passion anger evil to be in oneness with god.  She also read seven deadly sins, what they were and one of them were anger. She knew she wasn't at peace with herself.  She did not love herself. She was always tired.  She was also in her own world.  She couldn't take the reality and she was needy and the biggest attention seeker. In saptashati, you have to not have any desires. Not want to have or need attention.  The restless lady told Anamalia to take a picture of the boy and show it to his dad. Then she told her go out from the Pritam room to the Peace Room.  


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