Lets Go to the Writing Land Chapter 11

Chapter 11
Animalia stretched after waking up from her scary dream. She suddenly heard a bell ringing sound, then she heard thunder sounds. She looked at the mirror. In the mirror, she saw a face. The face in the mirror said,  In a hoarse loud voice, Go out of this room quickly before the witch comes in. This is the nightmare room. If you stay too long after your dream, your dream may become a reality.  Run and go to the left side past the blue pond, on to the fairy go round, get on the little train, and ride it for half an hour. You will enter the room of writing for passion.  You must walk in that room. Do not mention your name. The teacher may not like that you have special powers of writing. You must not say a word about your writing powers. Although do tell Sir Alterwriter that I am the mirroring wizard who has sent you there because of your scary dream. You may pass this room if you can write something vivid about your passion. Didn’t you win the passionate writer short story in your last short story book?  Do not tell Sir Alter Writer that you won the short story writer book. He will fail you then. You must not tell him of your strength. You must not speak too much about you in his room Only listen to his ideas and nod. Yes
Tell him about your passion dream in your writing. Only then can you win his gift and be sent to the finishing room for writers. I know Anamalia that was a lot. You are not too far from your gifts and powers. But let me know one knows about it.  They will destroy you. 
Anamalia did as she was told by the mirroring wizard.  She went to the blue pond past the fairy go round and on the little train. She rode on it for half an hour. She got near a round window that said, Writing for passion on top of the window circle. She entered inside. There she heard a voice Go to your circular log and sit on the log.  Take your chalkboard and write with your chalk in white. Put Passion for your writing title. Draw a line below and write your writing passion. What is it that you love so much in writing? What is it you have a passion for in your writing. Use your passion for words. This is the passion writing room. Remember A successful Writer has an extreme passion for writing. They even dream about their writing. You must dig deep in your passion. If I find you have powers. Yes, there is one girl enrolled who has powers and is not focused. I will not take her in her room. She has already won the passionate writing. She doesn’t need to be here. You still have to go through all the classes to pass this school. I want my son to be published. No one is better then my son Alter writer Jr. He has the power to imagine beyond anyone in this world in writing. He has passed and has many books published.  He is the one that will be chosen. Anamalia may have powers but she has not been published with a full one book finished. How can she be the best published? I will see she won’t come to my class.  Now all class gets to your passion for writing. Write away till dawn becomes day. Write until the rain stops, Write until the dark night becomes bright sunlight. No one will sleep in this room It is the room you stay up all night to write. That is how much you should love writing. If you are bored to write this much, you may leave this room.  I will set the clock from now, It will make a loud thundering sound in the morning. If anyone falls asleep the clock will send a buzzing me near that person and they must leave this room.  Go at it now. Start writing I have set the clock. 

                                                                                      May 31, 2018 Copyright@Vinita Singh


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