Lets Go the The Writing Land Chapter 10

Lets Go to the Nightmare room  Chapter 10
Anamalia went out of the failure room, there she got a wand thrown in her hand, She was told she must pass the nightmare room before she could get in the habit room, She had to be careful and she was told when she entered the nightmare room, she would have the most scariest dreams, The most vivid dreams, But the Confident man told her  when you enter remember Dreams are only dreams. It is just a dream, And everything thing is an illusion. Your dream is just a Dream in a Dream, Do not think anything of it.  There walked Anamalia, in the dark room with flashing lights,  She was asked by a squeaky voice, What Brings you here to the nightmare room, You know you could be stuck here,  You might wake up with such a nightmare that you are screaming. If such a thing, happens once ignore it.  If you scream out loud waking up in your dream three times, you will have to let me know, I will have to save you from that negative energy, Said the Dreamer Helper.  She walked in the room, It said, Dream Dream, You must, If you want to get published, Dream of nighmares Dream of People Dream of Houses.  Dream of your premonition,  Are you able to dream and see your words in writing for your book. 
The Dream Helper said, Dreams are a Dream in a Dream, but you must remember Only the most famous publishers get published from the nighmare room, They are the unique ones with powers, They see their words  in their dream.  It is a very powerful power, If you have this Anamalia, Your book will be in millions of copies all over the world, not just self published, but you will make every human read your book. Such is the power of the nighmare room.  You must believe you have the power to dream.  Walk two steps and turn on the green rock passing the trees,  Go near the cottage and inside the door and sleep on the flat bed.  You will drink the water and fall asleep. The next morning you will sleep  and dream, You must awake and you will be in another room when awoken by the dreamer writer master. He will ask you to recite your dream, He will then tell you to write your dream on the paper on the table, you will get to keep that paper as a rough draft, Go on and believe your dreams.  Anamalia did as she was told.  Anamalia slep on the flat bed.   Anamalia drank the water and was found asleep. 
She woke up in the morning with the sun signing hard.  She was told to recite her dream
She said, that there was an edge of a cliff, there on the cliff was a young girl, she told the girl not to go near the edge.  The little girl went to the edge, and there was a rock all the way on the edge the little girl slipped and went falling all the way down.  Anamalia felt in the dream that the girl would not make it, but she woke up from the nightmare.  Anamalia recited this to the Dream Helper and then she wrote it on the paper.  She remembered what the confidant man told her do not get scared, Dream as you can.
Copyright@Vinita Singh May 2, 2017


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