Lets Go to the Writing Land Chapter 11
Chapter 11 Animalia stretched after waking up from her scary dream. She suddenly heard a bell ringing sound, then she heard thunder sounds. She looked at the mirror. In the mirror, she saw a face. The face in the mirror said, In a hoarse loud voice, Go out of this room quickly before the witch comes in. This is the nightmare room. If you stay too long after your dream, your dream may become a reality. Run and go to the left side past the blue pond, on to the fairy go round, get on the little train, and ride it for half an hour. You will enter the room of writing for passion. You must walk in that room. Do not mention your name. The teacher may not like that you have special powers of writing. You must not say a word about your writing powers. Although do tell Sir Alterwriter that I am the mirroring wizard who has sent you there because of your scary dream. You may pass this room if you can write something vivid about your passion. Didn’t you win the passionate writ...