Lets Go to The Wiriting Land Chapter 9

Lets Go to the Failure Room  Chapter 9
There staring at the top Anamalia,  came close to  a big leaf, it said open up,  she opened the leap and out came a flower,  The flower said, circle me three times. She did as it was written.  Then a hat jumped infront of her and said, Dear me Dare you Come to the Failure room, You’ll get feedback.  Are you ready to gain confidance or loose it.  Anamalia walked a step, It suddenly said on a wall, you will pass through many magic carpets, you will sit on each one carpet and experience how  The published ones and the confidant ones got to where they are.  She kept to the side, Anamalia started shaking. The room was dark and cold as ice. She started shivering.  She found a white laced mat which she sat on,   It flew her across the doors through the windows and into a gym room.  There was the coordinator.  She was asked Have you taught classes.  Anamalia said I would like to show you what I can do.  She put music and danced to three favorite songs.  Its from the heart said the coordinator.  Anamalia moved on to the next room, and got another blue and red striped mat, She went down the bridge across the horse all painted and landed on a grass desighned veil.  There she got feedback that her dance had too much spinning.
She moved to the side near the glass wall, there she got feed back she needed to be with the beat
She went on.  She saw what it was a writing on the wall in blue color, It said, you have no style. 
she was told to go to the wise one. There she was told, there you will not make it, you must practice and study dancing, You must practice all day. You can even have your own teacher.  Anamalia got so much feedback, She taught she could do it. She was a good dancer, in her mind.  She decided to go in the dare to teach room, There she found out, after many years that she had nothing to make it , She had no choreography, no talent,  She should just dance for herself, Anamalia was exhausted.  She felt she would not give up dance.  She one day danced with her children.  There suddenly she saw the crowd, she danced in full freedom.  Her daughter  joined, and to her surprise her son also went on stage.  She realized her success was not in her failure or feedback but her son just going on stage, Even moving.  It gave a thrill to her.  She felt she did not have time with her schedule to practice, Anamalia new she danced with a passion. She was loving her dancing. She also new she had no time for it. Maybe after a month  she could start something new.   Her daily routine made her loose herself and her focus. 
Her children were precious,  She needed to be home for them.  She had to give up her desires and wishes.  She had to learn her failures and accept them.   She felt she would go and take these emotions and write everything, and send it to the Writing Land.  Anamalia was tired of just chasing things.  She went out of the magic glass and out of the magic carpet touching the carpet with her right thumb, to bring her down on the floor towards the exit door.  There she landed right infront of the exit sighn. 
She was trhilled to get out of the failure room.
Copyright@Vinita Singh May 2 2016


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