Frogger Freddy Finds Fortune

     One day, Frogger Freddy went to look for his friends. He went to find Fammy; she was far away. He went to fine Fesley; he was a sleep. He went to find Fina; she was cooking. He went to find Fanda; he was watching TV. Now, Frogger Freddy decided to leave his friends and go for a walk. Frogger Freddy found that he was all alone, so he decided to walk down the street. He often saw the window across the street open, but today it was closed. He started walking fast because he was sad and lonely. He walked faster, and suddenly he fell in a ditch, and  started falling down and slide down a hole. He saw that it so dark inside . Freddy was not scared though because he  was a brave Frogger. He looked here and there, but saw nothing.  Suddenly, he slid down to the bottom of the ground. There he saw a golden color circle, and he touched it. Than his foot felt another golden circle. He started rubbing his hands on the ground - he was sitting near a pool of coins. There were so many beautiful pieces of gold, and  Frogger was surrounded by money. He had found so much fortune. He started thinking where did this fortune come from. He knew it was not his. "Where should I take it? Who should I talk to? What should I do with all of this fortune?"
He thought, maybe if I take it to the government, than I can help them, and they can decide what to do with the money.
He thought he could take it to his parents, or to his home. What could Freddy do with all this fortune? But he needed some for himself, and his friends, He thought he didn’t want to loose them. He didn’t want them to be envious, or despise him.
He had to make a hard decision of what to do with all his found fortune. Frogger Freddy made a wise decision,  so he turned it in to the Government. The government rewarded him with all the money, by doing this good deed. The government told Freddy that he had earned it all. 
His parents were so proud of him, and his  friends were too. But most of all Freddy could settle down and live a happy life.
                                         Vinita Singh Copyright@ Nov. 9, 2003


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