
Showing posts from May, 2017

Lets Go the The Writing Land Chapter 10

                                           Lets Go to the Nightmare room  Chapter 10 Anamalia went out of the failure room, there she got a wand thrown in her hand, She was told she must pass the nightmare room before she could get in the habit room, She had to be careful and she was told when she entered the nightmare room, she would have the most scariest dreams, The most vivid dreams, But the Confident man told her  when you enter remember Dreams are only dreams. It is just a dream, And everything thing is an illusion. Your dream is just a Dream in a Dream, Do not think anything of it.  There walked Anamalia, in the dark room with flashing lights,  She was asked by a squeaky voice, What Brings you here to the nightmare room, You know you could be stuck here,  You might wake up with such a nightmare that you are screaming. If such a thing, happen...

Lets Go to The Wiriting Land Chapter 9

Lets Go to the Failure Room  Chapter 9 There staring at the top Anamalia,  came close to  a big leaf, it said open up,  she opened the leap and out came a flower,  The flower said, circle me three times. She did as it was written.  Then a hat jumped infront of her and said, Dear me Dare you Come to the Failure room, You’ll get feedback.  Are you ready to gain confidance or loose it.  Anamalia walked a step, It suddenly said on a wall, you will pass through many magic carpets, you will sit on each one carpet and experience how  The published ones and the confidant ones got to where they are.  She kept to the side, Anamalia started shaking. The room was dark and cold as ice. She started shivering.  She found a white laced mat which she sat on,   It flew her across the doors through the windows and into a gym room.  There was the coordinator.  She was asked Have you taught classes.  Anamalia said I would li...

Lets Go to the Writing Land Chapter 8

Lets Go to the Strengthen yourself room.                 There was Anamelia, She was told that in all the other rooms she had to pass and get trough all the rooms to be published.   Just one thing she had to not do was have a crush,  She could read write draw exercise, but she could not communicate to another person of the opposite.  She accidently did start having a crush on one person.  The person did not care for her,  She noticed everything her crush did.  She only could not have emotions.  If she had emotions, she could not stay in the Strengthen yourself room.  One day she came back in to her bed from her exercise class. She was in deep emotions,  She was insulted by someone,   Then she approached him,  She asked How is your writing going.  She walked further She felt strange for a minute.  She felt tension like never before....