Atina The Smart Princess
In a small village, in India was born a little tiny princess named Atina. Every one called her by her nickname mousy, she was so tiny, When she was only four years old, her father passed away. Atina’s health was usually bad; it was her brother that was supposed to go to the Land of Happiness first. It was unfortunate that she was born on the full moon. But fortunate: that she came to the Land of the Happiness first. The Land of the Happiness was America where Atina would be saved from her bad health. When she was twelve, Atina studied all subjects in the Land of the Struggle, In India she had to study Hindi and she was in sixth grade. She had to struggle to catch up with all the sixth graders. She learned Sanskrit, Hindi, and although she was only twelve. Atina spent every day near her window studying. She wanted to learn this language, and so she was focused. After a time, the neighbors started telling...